Thursday, 5 November 2009

The Gunpowder Plot (pt. 3)

On this same day, 404 years ago (well, day..let's say night), society was extremely close to be shaken to its most basic foundations. We could even say it was close to destruction, turmoil and general mayhem, without the worry of being wrong. If things are as they are today, it is also because of what happened that night, or better, what did not happen.

A group of thirteen conspirators headed by Guy Fawkes, tried to alter the whole system once for all: historically, in order to return England to its catholic past; politically, to tackle the monarchic system of that time; philosophically, to pursue the wish of a radical change and ideally, to build a new and fairer society in which to live.

The plan in itself was simple: blowing up the Parliament and, with it, the King and most of the Lords, during the 5th November State Opening ceremony, in 1605. For the occasion, 36 barrels of gunpowder were sneaked in a cellar directly beneath the House of Lords chamber; Fawkes were in charge of lighting the powder and blast the building to pieces.

As you can imagine, it did not work out. Guy Fawkes was betrayed and caught down in the cellar, on the point of lighting the fuse. He was arrested, tortured and sentenced to "hanging, drowning and quartering", as his fellow conspirators. The whole plot ended in nothing.

What survived since that day was the idea portrayed by Fawkes name. His "ways" were undeniably extreme (although they have to be seen with the eye of the 17th century, nda) nontheless his image is not that of an evil-minded traitor anymore. It evolved to something more like an abstract and nostalgic inspired mind longing for a major change toward the better.

After all, he is listed as one of the 100 Greatest Britons of all time. There must be a reason!

Hail Guy Fawkes! I'll keep a penny for you!

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