Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Saturday, 5 November 2011

"Remember remeber the fifth of November..."

Hail 406 years worth of Guy Fawkes. Hail the revolution. Hail the Gunpowder Plot.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

The six natural resources most drained by our 7 billion people

Here, the top 6 of the planet's natural resources that mankind is using in the largest amount

Freshwater only makes 2.5% of the total volume of the world's water, which is about 35 million km3. But considering 70% of that freshwater is in the form of ice and permanent snow cover and that we only have access to 200,000km3 of freshwater overall, it isn't surprising that demand for water could soon exceed supply. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations is predicting that by 2025, 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity.

2. OIL
The fear of reaching peak oil continues to haunt the oil industry. The BP Statistical Review of World Energy in June measured total global oil at 188.8 million tonnes, from proved oil resources at the end of 2010. This is only enough to oil for the next 46.2 years, should global production remain at the current rate.

A similar picture to oil exists for natural gas, with enough gas in proven reserves to meet 58.6 years of global production at the end of 2010.

Without this element, plants cannot grow. Essential for fertiliser, phosphate rock is only found in a handful of countries, including the US, China and Morocco. With the need to feed 7 billion people, scientists from the Global Phosphorus Research Initiative predict we could run out of phosphorus in 50 to 100 years unless new reserves of the element are found.

This has the largest reserves left of all the fossil fuels, but as China and other developing countries continue to increase their appetite for coal, demand could finally outstrip supply. As it is, we have enough coal to meet 188 years of global production.

Scandium and terbium are just two of the 17 rare earth minerals that are used in everything from the powerful magnets in wind turbines to the electronic circuits in smartphones. The elements are not as rare as their name suggests but currently 97% of the world's supply comes from China and they can restrict supplies at will. Exact reserves are not known.

(Source: The Guardian Environment Blog)

Is this the new hope?

Defra aims to clean up junk mail industry

New move by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affair (DEFRA) to diminish the impact that unwanted and junk mail has on households and on the environment.

According to Caroline Spelman, Environment Secretary, the current overload of junk mail arriving to people's letterbox is "environmentally unsustainable".

The Department will be launching an online service where citizens can register and opt out of receiving all types of unwanted advertising mail.

From The Guardian:

According to the DMA, the average household receives more than 300 items of unaddressed and 77 items of addressed mail a year. Spelman said: "We have all returned home from holidays to be greeted by a mountain of unwanted, unsolicited mail waiting behind the front door, most of which is thrown straight out. These piles of paper irritate householders, waste businesses' money and are environmentally unsustainable."

Spelman said the initiative would make sure that the direct mail that was sent out was produced to higher standards and was fully recyclable.

The government has signed a three-year deal with the DMA to launch initiatives to help the UK move towards a zero-waste economy. Defra said that by 2014 the amount of unwanted direct mail hitting door mats will fall significantly as a result of the marketing industry increasing its current use of "suppression lists" (which includes opt-out, do not contact and gone-away lists) by 25%.